Saturday, July 18, 2009


UPDATE AGAIN, 10:15PM: The talks are done for today with no agreement. Zelaya's delegation confirmed they are accepting considering the proposal set out by Oscar Arias (see below), beginning with President Zelaya's return to power by July 24th (by continuing to push back the date, the coup regime consolidates and represses the people even more). The coup regime led by Roberto Micheletti has stated it will "study" the proposal overnight, though it has already had 15 hours to do so today, without arriving at a final decision. Several of the spokespeople for the coup regime have said they will not agree to President Zelaya's return to power, which makes things difficult because that is the principle issue at stake here. The talks will be resumed tomorrow morning at 11am, Costa Rica time. See below for my analysis...

UPDATE: President Zelaya has accepted Arias' offer - with all its massive, dangerous flaws - but, so far, it will not proceed because the coup dictator, Roberto Micheletti, has refused the terms set forth today in the negotiation meeting in Costa Rica. The coup regime stands firm on its refusal to allow President Zelaya to return to power. Supporters of Zelaya and popular resistance forces are still in the streets in Honduras. Zelaya says his return to Honduras - by any means and way - is imminent.


The "dialogue" meetings on the Honduras crisis are taking place today in Costa Rica, mediated by the president of that nation, Oscar Arias, who was designed by the Department of State to assume this role. Arias has presented a "document" to both parties, which include representatives from the coup regime and the constitutional government that was ousted in the coup 21 days ago on June 28th. The document, is calling on all parties to accept the following seven terms in order to resolve the political crisis:

1. Allow President Manuel Zelaya to return to his post as president until the end of his term on January 29, 2010.

2. Conform a new government (with Zelaya as president) based on "unity" and "reconciliation", composed on representatives from all political parties in the country to govern through the end of Zelaya's term.

3. Declare a general amnesty to those actors involved in the coup d'etat.

4. President Zelaya will have to renounce any effort to convene a referendum or consultation with the people of Honduras regarding future constitutional reform.

5. Hold early elections during the last weekend of October instead of November 29th, 2009.

6. The military will be commanded by the Supreme Court of Honduras as of September 2009 in order to "ensure" a smooth electoral process.

7. Creation of a truth commission composed of renowned Hondurans and members from the international community, particularly the Organization of American States (OEA) to supervise the correct return of constitutional order and the implementation of the above terms.

President Zelaya has apparently accepted these terms, despite the fact that he would be completely castrated politically, and would be allowing for the same criminals that executed the coup against him to remain in power and in fact, have even more power since they would be part of a "government of unity and reconciliation". If this is true, Zelaya will be strongly disappointing a large majority of those Honduran people who have resisted and struggled against the coup government now for over 21 days. Also, many of us in the international community will also be severely bothered by Zelaya's giving in to such absolutely ridiculous and unacceptable terms!!

Personally, I believe the only issue to be considered is the first one, and it should involve the unconditional, immediate return of President Zelaya to power - that is the only matter at hand here. Also, the OAS resolution on the Honduran coup specifically called for the immediate, UNCONDITIONAL, restitution of President Zelaya to power. What Arias (via Washington) is proposing involves a series of conditions that would render Zelaya absolutely powerless.

Obviously, this is what many of us have been expected from Arias (via Washington) since he assumed this role as "mediator". This is precisely the outcome the Obama administration has been pushing for since day one of the coup. And it is absolutely unacceptable!

First of all, the issue of a government of "unity" and "reconciliation" is ridiculous. That means Zelaya does not name his cabinet members, and all those who previously held positions in his government would be forced to step down. This measure ties Zelaya's hands completely and is just outrageous.

The renouncing of considering a possible future constitutional reform is also unacceptable, since that is not an issue to be decided by a small elite in Honduras, but rather the people of Honduras.

And then the amnesty for the coup leaders sets a dangerous precedent for other actors seeking to overthrow their governments via illegal means, because they will see that it can be done, and you get off the hook for all the crimes and human rights violations committed!!

This is all just really awful. The worst part will be if Zelaya actually does accept this proposal as is being reported right now.

I believe the only viable solution is for the people of Honduras to immediately convene a constitutional assembly and to not only rewrite their constitution as they see fit, but also to depose the congress, supreme court and high military command, since they have all been principal participants in a violent, criminal coup d'etat. Once the new constitution is ratified, elections will be held to fill all offices as specified by law. The power resides in the sovereign people to determine the type and model of government they wish to have. If Honduras allows this coup to be legitimated by Arias' (via Washington's) proposal, it will be a dark day for the peoples of Latin America.


Unknown said...

I absolutely agree with your points, and further, consider that putting the Supreme Court in charge of anything is the utmost in cycnicsm - who ordered Zelaya's removal!!?? What sort of election would result, regardless of whether international observers are present? In addition to your excellent revelations re US involvement, read Jerry Meldon for even more.

Andy Pollack said...

Not only is your post superb for its critique of this horrible agreement, but your last paragraph is a simple but profound restatement of the most fundamental right of a people to decide their own fate, to reconstitute their own government when and how they see fit.
Every year The New York Times pays lip service to these ideas by printing the Declaration of Independence on the back page of its front section. But it -- and most of the left, unfortunately -- will shun such radical but elemental solutions as those you put forward.
Good work!

redwood said...

So Zelaya was willing to go along with this horrible plan, but thankfully the coup leaders are so rotten that they won't go along.

NuestraAmericaNews said...

My twitter also where anaylis and other information are always updated. I noticed that you where on twitter but I wasn't sure if it was you.

I really hope that Zeyala had some of the ALBA members take a look a the proposition being implemented by Costa Rican President. It would be insane to not go back and inform the main members of ALBA. The associated press has just confirmed your article.

Thank You for your posting I usually spread your information to college students and different communities. Gracias. Viva Chavez! Saludos por los hermanos Nationalista de Puerto Rico!

Roger Milbrandt said...


I agree it would be disastrous if Arias's seven points became the basis of a definitive settlement. However, I think it is possible that the situation might be saved by the hubris of the Micheletti gang who may be incapable of accepting the purely symbolic concession of Zelaya's formal resumption of the office of president.

If they do not accept the first of Arias's seven points, they would in effect justify Zelaya's physical return. This could release a fierce contention between the elite and the masses.

I believe Jose Marti once said that a civil war is a true referendum. The constitutional referendum - which would determine whether Honduras will have a constitution reflecting the interests of the public as a whole rather than the constitution of the elite, by the elite, for the elite - is the central question, at least in my opinion. There would be a certain justice if an elite which was willing to execute legal summersaults to avoid a peaceful referendum were confronted instead with a Marti-style referendum.

NuestraAmericaNews said...

Take a look at this new article about the Honduras Coup. My Question is what now? What are we going to do now with these idiots who created this mess in Honduras? I am at a lost for words when Zelaya agreed to these conditions am sorry but the only thing that deserves to be put on that paper. Is an two options the ballet or the bullet! Just like Malcolm X taught us.

Anonymous said...

Estimados amigos: lean este articulo que dice que a estas alturas del juego es mejor que Zelaya no retorne a Honduras. Ya que si retorna o no retorna, de las 2 maneras va a estar condicionado por el Imperialismo Yanki. Osea que en ambas opciones ha perdido el pueblo hondureño sus conquistas como salario mas alto, medicina y comida mas barata etc.

Vergonzosa capitulación de Zelaya
Triunfó el imperio, perdió el pueblo

Hugo Moldiz Mercado

Ya no importa lo que los golpistas vayan a decidir en Honduras o si Zelaya vuelve a la casa presidencial de Tegucigalpa el viernes 24 de julio. Si la información adelantada por varios medios de información se confirma, no habrá más que aceptar el triunfo del imperialismo en la era Obama, la derrota del pueblo hondureño que aspiraba a la ampliación de la democracia y un duro revés a los países del ALBA.


Anonymous said...

El gorilismo en Honduras

A pesar del generalizado y automático repudio que ha provocado la vil asonada que algunos facinerosos han cometido en contra del pueblo hondureño, lo sucedido no debe de sorprender a nadie y más bien debiera de aleccionar a todos aquellos que dejándose arrastrar por los supuestos encantos del Sr. Obama, prácticamente insisten en rasgar las vestiduras defendiendo que el tiempo de cuando los Estados Unidos sembraban “gorilas” para contener los procesos progresistas en Latinoamérica, es cosa del pasado.

Oportunos y convincentes han sido los señalamientos realizados por el intelectual norteamericano James Petras cuando señala que “los militares hondureños no moverían ni un dedo sin el consentimiento de Estados Unidos”. Si bien este gobierno, a través de su Secretaria de Estado Hillary Clinton, ha pretendido cautelosamente sacar los “bigotes” de lo sucedido, los indicios son más que meras sospechas de quienes siempre se encuentran detrás de estas fatídicas actividades.

Aunque el máximo responsable del gobierno de los Estados Unidos Barack Obama, ha dejado exclusivamente en manos de sus portavoces señalar que se encuentra “muy preocupado” por lo del Golpe Militar en Honduras, personalmente no se le ha visto condenar los hechos y mucho menos dejar entrever posibles represalias en contra de este gobierno de facto si insisten en mantenerse en el poder. Por otro lado otros funcionarios, que por razones obvias negaron identificarse, reconocieron que previamente a los hechos habían mantenido contacto con los militares y civiles incursos en la asonada.

De igual manera el comportamiento complaciente e irresponsable del emporio comunicacional CNN deja entrever que el complot fraguado en Honduras tuvo también ramificaciones en el extranjero, en todo caso más que solo rostros sonrientes que siempre se ven beneficiados con este tipo de eventualidades, confirmando que lo sucedido, más allá de no concretarse, ha sido sumamente conveniente para lo que próximamente se estuviera fraguando contra cualquier otro país de la región.

Más allá de lo que en el futuro suceda con estos tontos útiles, su aventura ha servido para demostrar el grado de cohesión actualmente existente en la zona. Y sobre todo que aun cuando la capacidad de respuesta resultó casi automática aun se precisa la concreción y madurez de nuevos mecanismos de integración en materia de seguridad y defensa para toda la región. Solo de esta manera se podrá estar prevenido y santiguado para que los fantasmas del gorilismo no nos vuelvan atormentar.

SimonAmor said...

Yes, I agree with you, too, Eva. :)

I have read some of what you have written on the internet in Venezuelanalysis (mainly about Venezuela) and here in your blog (about Honduras). Please keep up the great work, eh? :)

Enrique Ferro said...

Agree with Eva. Zelaya is playing a dangerous brinkmanship. If he is bluffing and Pinochetti and Co show off stubbornness and refuse, Zelaya wins this round. Otherwise he'll find it difficult to explain to the Hondurans his submission... Unless he has a trump up the sleeve.
For the moment the only guarantee of progress is the mass movement. I hope they are organizing efficiently.

drjasonsmith said...

Dear Marxist-Socialist: Thank you for your complimentary e-mail. My one and only new website is
and the book you want is FUNDAMENTALS OF HISTORICAL MATERIALISM now in its 5th edition and subtitled BOLSHEVISM 2009. We created this new Party at the same time MSN was dropping its group sites and it seemed better to consolidate. We decided to form a new Party when evidence I consider irrefutable about Sam Webb being and FBI agent charged with the final destruction of the CPUSA (which was pretty well gone anyway after five decades of revisionist control) was made available to me.

Anonymous said...


Atentos la experiencia, no suena descabellado el señalamiento persa y debe ahondarse seriamente en las investigaciones...


Embajador de Irán: la CIA, detrás de la pugna electoral

Insiste en que fue un agente de la central quien mató a Neda Agha Soltan

Para atacar a Irán, ¿qué mejor que el asesinato de una joven?

Fuerzas extranjeras intervinieron en su país, denuncia

El diplomático escandalizó recientemente a la televisora estadunidense CNN al afirmar en una entrevista que fue la CIA, o algún grupo de inteligencia similar -y no un basiji, guardián de la revolución islámica-, quien disparó contra la joven Neda Agha Soltan


El embajador de Irán en México, Mohammad Ghadiri, escandalizó recientemente a la televisora estadunidense CNN al afirmar en una entrevista con el conductor Wolf Blitzer que fue la CIA, o algún grupo de inteligencia similar -y no un basiji, guardián de la revolución islámica-, quien disparó contra la joven Neda Agha Soltan. La estudiante de 26 años fue abatida durante las protestas por el presunto fraude electoral en Irán. Su asesinato, grabado en video, tuvo un impacto global a través de Internet y convirtió a la universitaria de Teherán en un icono de los opositores al régimen de Mahmud Ahmadinejad.

El diplomático convocó a La Jornada a una entrevista para ampliar su versión. Para ello se remonta a la década de los 70 en Italia y a la existencia de grupos terroristas neofascistas conocidos como gladiadores, creados y financiados supuestamente por la CIA. El método de este grupo era impedir que los comunistas llegaran al poder mediante crímenes muy feroces. Asesinaban a líderes anticomunistas para culpar a los comunistas y crear así un impacto en los medios de comunicación.

El Plan Gladio, conocido en Italia, ha sido comparado con el Plan Cóndor que operó en Sudamérica durante los años de la guerra sucia.

Según el gobierno iraní y las explicaciones de Ghadiri, Neda Agha Soltan recibió un tiro a corta distancia, con una bala que no corresponde al calibre de las armas reglamentarias de las fuerzas de seguridad iraníes. La imagen, además, fue captada por una cámara de video profesional, no por un teléfono celular. Fue abatida en una calle donde no había manifestaciones ni fuerzas de seguridad.

“Para atacar al gobierno de Irán, ¿qué mejor que el asesinato filmado de una joven? El único testigo que ha declarado ha sido Arash Hejazi. Dijo que en la escena del crimen fue detenido un basiji que reconoció haber disparado y que después fue liberado por las autoridades. Pero si ahí había una cámara -señala el diplomático-, ¿por qué no está grabado el basiji? Personalmente creo que es el método de los gladiadores, y que este testigo formaba parte de un grupo paramilitar. Ellos matan así.”

Posteriormente a las declaraciones de Ghadiri a CNN, la CIA emitió un comunicado desmintiéndolo.

Ghadiri estudió en Italia. Ha hecho su carrera política a la sombra de los ayatolas en el poder en Irán. Fue vocero y jefe adjunto de la oficina del presidente Alí Jamenei.

Ahora el diplomático da por concluida la crisis poselectoral que puso en duda el triunfo del presidente Ahmaninejad. De la crisis -dice- la revolución islámica ha salido fortalecida, a pesar de que Estados Unidos, los gobiernos europeos y la inteligencia israelí hicieron campaña a favor de la oposición. En su opinión, las manifestaciones de protesta ya agotaron su poder.

Unknown said...

Hugo’s analysis is spot-on. I think there is another important thing we need to consider - as time goes on it becomes more and more clear that there is a schism between Barack Obama and powerful players in his own administration, most clearly demonstrated by the statements of Hilary Clinton of the State Department, and the actions of the Southern Command, ie Pentagon.

Demanding that Obama control his administration is the same as demanding that Zelaya control his - and just as difficult. Both are facing revolts/insubordination from within the oligarchy and military, despite both having popular support.

When President Carter came into power, he sacked and retired some of the far right military commanders, and embargoed arms sales. The coup in Honduras has given President Obama all the reasons he needs to clear the next generation of them out of the Southern Command, and the Pentagon. Clinton and her Butschnik advisers should go too.

The ‘ultra-imperialism’ of the Honduras coup is designed not only to demoralise the social forces of Latin America, but also of the United States. While Latin America is in a far better position to turn ‘defeats into victories’ because the people are aware and mobilised, the US is in enormous danger of turning Obama’s victory into a defeat - and as in Latin America, only the people can prevent that. The big question is whether the US public, brain-addled by the corporate media and almost totally devoid of political awareness or savvy, have enough smarts to get behind their president...

Although the Latin American people united will never be defeated, victory might be quicker with a principled president, rather than a eunuch, in their back yard.

Zelaya is exercising his legitimate power - it's time Obama started exercising his.

drjasonsmith said...

Last Man Standing

It seems ironic to me that the gringo conspirators are using Honduras 55 years after they used it to mount the overthrow of President Arbenz in Guatemala. Some of you may remember it was in Honduras the CIA put together a ragtag group of mercenaries under the Guatemalan Colonel Castillo Armas and proceeded to overthrow the first democratic government in that country. Remember they have been intensively trying to destabilize South America for two years now using their "new" Annapolis Doctrine of small unit trouble making activity. Especially in Peru and Colombia but also in Bolivia, Ecuador and Venezuela not to mention the Brazilian border areas on these countries. Yet when push came to shove for these CIA teams (composed mainly of US Army Green Berets and US Navy Seals) all they could do is to grab a moderate rancher President and toss his ass out of the country.
Well, this is so silly it requires no real thought to handle and it is the fault of the progressive governments themselves they were not prepared with special action teams to act like Texas Rangers. If they are afraid of the gringo's calling foul because of national intervention that is what an International Brigade is for! The special action service can be located there if not in a national intelligence service home.
What am I talking about with Texas Rangers? See the movie Last Man Standing - probably the best thing Bruce Willis ever did. Here the boss of the Texas Rangers comes to a small Texas town torn apart by northern Drug gangs of Italians and who knows what (Irish as I recall) and he tells Willis and the Sheriff - "I'll be back in a week. If I find two gangs here in the morning there will be no gangs here in the afternoon... and I would advise you Sheriff to find a new job and you (Willis) had best be gone."
That is what this situation requires. A few good men with the balls to go in and kill all of the golpistas quick (a matter of a few hours) restore order and proceed to do whatever Zelaya had in mind!
Anything less than that is silly and will only embolden the gringo conspirators and their gusano colleagues.