Here is a link to an interesting interview with President Zelaya of Honduras: Spiegel interview with President Zelaya: "We will not be brought to our Knees".
More than one month has now gone by since the coup regime ousted President Zelaya from power and installed a dictatorship. Zelaya remains in Nicaragua, still un-reunited with his family - they have not been able to leave Honduras to see him without risking forced expatriation. There were several deaths and injured during last week's protests against the dictatorship, and a teacher was assassinated by the coup forces.
The resistance front against the dictatorship is organizing major marches to begin this Wednesday, August 5th. The protests will be conducted throughout the country and will end in Tegucigalpa and San Pedro Sula, the two largest cities in Honduras.
Meanwhile, the opposition groups in Venezuela are trying to provoke a coup against Chávez, again. They are calling for destabilization activities throughout the nation in reaction to the Venezuelan communications commission's (CONATEL) suspension of 34 radio station's licenses to operate due to administrative irregularities. Apparently, the 34 stations that were suspended are completely in violation of the Telecommunications Law and administrative procedures - in some of the cases, the operators and owners of the stations didn't even have licenses to operate those frequencies, in other cases, the licenses were outdated and never renewed, and in other cases, the licenses had been illegally passed on to third parties without authorization from CONATEL.
In any case, the opposition in Venezuela is using this situation as an excuse to call for protests against the Venezuelan government and to call on the international community to support their destabilization actions. While the suspension of any media outlet's license to operate on the airwaves can always be viewed with a political tint, there are also laws and regulations that must be complied with and in this case, CONATEL is merely enforcing the law. There are still plenty - hundreds - of other radio stations, mainly opposition run, that continue to operate and are in compliance with the law. Those that violate the law will be sanctioned. That's how a democratic country with a state of law operates!
Diosdado Cabello llamó a los trabajadores de las 32 emisoras a no dejarse manipular
Caracas, 02 Ago. ABN (Yusleny Pérez).- Un llamado a no dejarse manipular por los operadores de las 34 estaciones de radio sancionadas, realizó este domingo a los trabajadores el titular del Ministerio del Poder Popular para las Obras Públicas y Viviendas (Mopvi), Diosdado Cabello, ya que violentaban constantemente los derechos laborales.
“Los dueños de las empresas que operaban estas emisoras no le daban participación a los trabajadores. Ahora sí lo hacen, pero para utilizarlos. No se dejen manipular, compañeros. No se dejen manipular, hermanos", advirtió Cabello.
Asimismo, resaltó que el Gobierno nacional nunca ha abandonado a la clase trabajadora, ni jamás ha abandonado a los que están en la calle. "No permitan ser usados por aquellos que los explotaron durante 30 y 40 años”, señaló.
Cabello indicó que ellos (los que operaban las radios) sólo quieren seguir "chupándoles la sangre", por lo que reiteró que con esta medida se está haciendo un acto de justicia por verdadera verdad, y no por la verdad manipulada, mediática y de laboratorio.
Destacó que hay quienes viven diciendo que no hay democracia, pero ahora sí hay. “Tengan claro que cada paso que se da, es con la finalidad de que haya más de democracia y participación del pueblo venezolano", expresó el ministro.
"Se trata de que el pueblo tenga acceso a lo que nunca antes tenía, ya que cada vez que una comunidad se acerca a Conatel a pedir una concesión le dicen que no hay espacio, porque los privados se creen los dueños y amos del espectro radioeléctrico", apuntó Cabello.
El ministro agregó que los que operaban las 34 emisoras llevaban años violando la ley y ya el Estado asumió el control del espectro radioléctrico para acabar con la ilegalidad y democratizar el acceso del pueblo a ese espacio.
Estimada Eva y demas amigos de este blogger de noticias sobre la Crisis de Honduras: Asi como usted dijo en su ultimo articulo, ya ha pasado 1 largo mes desde el golpe de estado. Y a mi lo que parece es que el mundo lentamente ya esta acostumbrandose al nuevo gobierno de Roberto Micheletti. Esto se me parece mucho al 11 de Septiembre y el movimiento de la verdad sobre el 11 de Septiembre (9-11 truth movement).
Ya nadie le hace caso al 9-11 truth movement, a pesar de que todos sabemos que el 11 de Septiembre fue mas o menos un auto golpe de estado producido por elementos ultra-derechistas aliados a Bush y a sus halcones zionistas.
Asi mismo esta esta humanidad apatica, lenta y con amnesia facil para olvidarlo todo, lo bueno y lo malo
Gracias y que Dios la bendiga
It seems to be an organized campaign. Public Service news started here in Sweden on 27 July a smearing campaign against Venezuela.
The US could restore democracy to Honduras tomorrow if the president had the audacity to restore some hope
By Calvin Tucker
August 04, 2009 "The Guardian" -- The slogan of the coup regime in Honduras, relentlessly promoted on state and private TV channels, is "Peace and Democracy". A "fully constitutional process" is the phrase used to describe the kidnapping of the elected president and his expulsion from the country. As I discovered when I arrived in Honduras two weeks ago, both claims are demonstrably false.
Since the coup on 28 June, the regime has imposed military checkpoints and day and night-time curfews to prevent citizens from attending protests, used helicopters to spray tear gas on peaceful demonstrators and employed batons and live ammunition against those who are trying to restore President Manuel Zelaya to office.
As of 24 July, there have been at least seven documented assassinations, several cases of torture and over one thousand arrests. Since then, I have heard of two more murders. The mutilated body of Pedro Magdiel, a 23-year-old opponent of the regime, was dumped 400 yards from where I and three hundred other unarmed civilians had been pinned down by soldiers, snipers and hooded police gunmen on a road near the Nicaraguan border. The second victim was a 38-year-old teacher, who was gunned down by police at a peaceful demonstration near the capital last Thursday. Of the people I interviewed and spoke with during my visit, two have since been arrested; one hospitalised with a head wound and broken bones, the other released. Another man I talked to was followed after leaving a protest, and knifed.
The terrestrial TV stations and daily newspapers present a constant diet of pro-coup propaganda. The few remaining independent media outlets are subject to harassment and attempted closure. Last week, armed soldiers arrived at the offices of Radio Globo, one of only two anti-coup radio stations, and were only prevented from entering by a crowd of supporters who had gathered outside after receiving a tip-off from an anti-coup police officer. Channel 36, a low-budget satellite-only TV station, has had its banking facilities withdrawn, and contracts with commercial advertisers cancelled. Its signal is repeatedly interrupted.
The coup was timed to prevent a consultative referendum scheduled for the same day. The military regime has falsely claimed that this proposed ballot was an unconstitutional attempt by Zelaya to extend his term in office. This allegation has been taken up - naively or otherwise - by much of the international media.
The question on the ballot papers for 28 June refutes this lie. It was as follows:
Do you agree with the installation of a fourth ballot box during the 2009 general elections so that the people can decide on the calling of a national constituent assembly? Yes or No.
Must read article today:
Honduran Coup: The US Connection
by Conn Hallinan
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