Dear Friends of Venezuela:
This week's issue of Correo del Orinoco International - English Edition is out! It can be found at the following link: http://www.venezuelanalysis.com/correo-del-orinoco. We hope to have our web page up and running by next week and will send out an announcement to everybody so you all can access the site.
Our Correo del Orinoco International this week has in depth articles on the celebration of National Youth Day this Friday, February 12, which also commemorates la Batalla de la Victoria (The Battle of Victory), a definitive battle during the War of Independence victoriously won by students; an analysis of the mass media manipulation campaign against Venezuela, evidenced in recent articles in The Washington Post, Miami Herald and other major newspapers; an interesting study of geo-strategic interests in Africa and Latin America placing China and the US at odds; a remarkable story of a free solar energy project being implemented in rural Venezuela; a spotlight on Carmen Clemente Travieso, the founder of Venezuela's Feminist Movement at the turn of last century; and other interesting stories about the creation of socialist communes and a new national program to fight crime and violence in Venezuela. We are also really excited that this week's stellar columnist is John Perkins, author of Confessions of an Economic Hitman and Hoodwinked!
Please send this issue far and wide to your friends, colleagues, families and anyone who may be interested in news and information from Venezuela, and from a Venezuelan perspective. We are still looking for writers and contributors to future issues, so feel free to submit articles, suggestions or letters to the editor. And we still need worldwide distribution, so please help if you can. Send to: [email protected]
Revolutionary Regards,
Eva Golinger
Correo del Orinoco International - English Edition
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